- CPU modules for PLC.
- CPU lineup can fit any applications.
Base unit
- This module is for mounting devices such as power supply modules, CPU modules and input/output modules.
- A lineup of base units are available to suit your system needs.
Power supply
- Module for electricity supply of CPU, input/output, and other modules.
I/O module
- Module for connecting input and output devices.
- Assorted I/O modules are available to suit your system needs.
Analog I/O module
- These modules use an analog method for data input/output. They respond to process control needs and are perfect for high-speed, high-accuracy control.
Pulse I/O, counter module
- This pulse input, high-speed counter unit supports high-resolution devices and can handle high-speed, high-accuracy control.
Positioning module
- Modules for high-speed, high-accuracy positioning control.
- A variety of positioning modules are available to cater to different customer needs.
Information module
- This module group enables information exchange with the host control system.
- The assorted module lineup enhances production efficiency by collecting and controlling various production information.
Control network module
- Interface module group for control-system networks.
- Each FA level is seamlessly integrated with a diverse network.
Energy measuring module
- Energy measurement module groups for the measuring and monitoring of various energy information.